Geocoding addresses and generating deprivation profiles for selected geographic areas using IMD18

An advanced interactive map allows you to geocode single addresses or batches of addresses and generates a deprivation profile for selected geographic areas (e.g. Mt Albert GED, Thames-Coromandel District, Southland DHB, Canterbury Region) using IMD18 and its seven domains. You can also use this map to search on a single address (e.g. your home address).

A deprivation report (pdf) can be generated for the selected geographic areas.

An alcohol deprivation report (pdf) can be generated for an input address. The report documents the deprivation and ethnic composition characteristics of the local area surrounding the input address. It then highlights how deprivation and ethnic composition may influence alcohol-related harm arising from licensed premises. The information and evidence included in the report can be used as evidence for objection to a local liquor license application. This report should be used in combination with local information provided by regulatory agencies, the community, the applicant, and the Licensing Committee’s own inquiries.



IMD Qualtrics Survey Module

The IMD Qualtrics Survey Module allows people conducting surveys to obtain a deprivation profile of the respondent’s neighbourhood by asking them to enter their home address. The module returns the data zone ID for that address and embeds its deprivation profile (overall IMD13 deprivation and 7 domains) expressed in quintiles. The 2013 data zone ID and the deprivation information are saved to the main survey output.


Deprivation Self-Assessment Tool for older people

The OPIMD’s 14 socioeconomic indicators are dichotomous and this allows them to be transformed into a simple deprivation self-assessment tool. People aged 65 and over can assess their deprivation status relative to other older people in NZ by answering 14 Yes/No questions and then entering their residential address into a geocoder.